Sunday, October 19, 2008

And we begin

Today is the day before we head out to Mexico. I've been extremely unrelaxed the last 2 weeks, perhaps one might even ascribe the word anxiety to my situation. Large transitions such as this really get me going which is silly because it's not like I had no choice in the matter. Luckily tomorrow I'll be on a plane and I can stop worrying about leaving, I will have already done it.
We arrive in Cancun (mostly because it's the cheapest) at 8 pm tomorrow and check into a hostel soemwhere in the outskirts of the touristy city. Cenotes, Chichen Itza, and other awesome things are where we're headed for the first few days and then we're off to language school and our first farm in San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas where we'll also spend our Dia de Los Muertos. I've got everything together except for a few phone calls and a trip to the bank. My heart is filled with excitement bordering on the edge of anxiety, disbelief, curiosity, and a simultaneous sense of longing for adventure and desire to have a home. Mostly you could call my feelings mixed or conflicted. Awesomeness always wins out though and I get everything I need no matter where I am. And tomorrow I'm in Mexico.


John F. said...

WTF. One day I see you randomly in Porter Sq. going up the other escalator, the next you're in Mexico.

jandy-bee said...

Beautiful words, Anne..

And the pictures aint too shabby either!