Thursday, November 27, 2008

An overview of chiapas

Ok, back track. It´s been a while since i´ve posted any pictures. Chiapas was a really great place and I was really glad to have a house there, it made life much more enjoyable. We went to the market almost every day and bought all sorts of great fruits and vegetables to cook with. I bought nopales (a type of cactus leaf for eating) and fermented them with onions and chiles. They were really really good. I think that mexico is my soul country , and definitely my soul food style. We made a lot of friends in San Cristobal with travelers and some resident mexicans, one of which I was pretty enamored with but don´t have a picture of. The farm we originally went to work on was a pretty bum deal, so we quit and went to work for a permaculture project with some people that were really totally awesome. We worked at a few schools, and some other various places building chicken coops, terraces, and painting walls of a hostel. All in all I really enjoyed my time there and I think I´ll go back. Right now though I am in Oaxaca by myself taking classes at a language school for 3 weeks. I wasn´t that thrilled with the next farm and I wanted to learn spanish which was getting really hard to do because we were always speaking english to eachother. So I´m meeting up with Madeline and Alice in Morelos on the 15th of december for our next farm. Oaxaca is nice, but it´s much bigger than san cristobal. And I think I like the artisan vibe of chiapas more than here. My classes are really amazing and I´m learning much much more and so much more quickly than if I didn´t come here. But because school cost much more money than anything else in my trip I was a bit worried about paying for a place to stay for 3 weeks. So... I managed to meet someone on the street on tuesday and ask him if he knew of a roof or a patio i could pitch my tent and he helped me out. Hell yes. So right now I´m stying with his suegra, or mother in law up on a mountain 20 minutes or so from the center of the city. She´s really nice and the place is very modest. The toilet is an earthen thing on the ground that you throw a bucket of water in after you´re done to flush and at night there are cockroaches that crawl out of it. I have my own room with 4 walls and a roof which is nice and even a bed! There´s no running water and showers happen if you dump a bucket of water on yourself. It costs 4.5 pesos on a bus to get from her house to school in the morning, but i think it´s definitely the best option i have here in oaxaca. I get my own home stay for free when other students have to pay 600 dollars, and it´s a more authentic experience. All the homestay families here have mansionous houses, and really that´s not the mexican life. So, things are good ,life is awesome, and really anything you want and need can happen if you ask for it. Todo es posible en la vida.

mexican extention cord

Salvador, a campesino i worked with in chiapas. he speaks tzotzil and spanish.

Dos pingüinos the school build from trash and earth

bottles for windows

a flower i found the day everything lined up well in chiapas.

the first farm in chiapas, it was kind of a bummer, but beautiful


concrete love

this way out

Helena on the farm

1 comment:

Alice said...

I love you, toad hands.