Monday, February 22, 2010

Let`s start in El Naranjo, San Luis Potosi.  Here you will find las cascadas de meco y el salto de agua...sin agua.  There are carnicerias (meat stores, like a deli) all over the place making carnitas (little pieces of super fatty pork and fried fat) in giant tubs on the sidewalk.  Grease, salt, fatty meat.  It`s soooooo good.  Slap it on a tortilla or in a gordita with a salsa and some limon, oh gosh you`ve got heaven.  Ah, the sign that says Comedor Fatty is equivalent to a sign that says Diner, Fatty.  I don`t think they knew what fatty meant.  It`s the same as saying comedor grasosa.  Silly people.  I ate there though and had a really good mole.  This last week has been a good one, slower than I would have liked in terms of milage covered, but completly great otherwise.  I rolled into a town called Chamal a few days ago sin ganas to bike any more.  I was super tired and didn`t want to move my body one more inch.  I asked around for a place to put my tent and ended up at the house of the local pastor and his wife right next to the baptist church.  I put my tent down, climbed in and slept and slept.  I was planning on leaving the next day but I was still really tired and it was raining.  The family invited me to stay another day and they fed me and put me up in a room in their house.  I headed out to a nature reserve the next day to check out the views.  I got to the top, pitched my tent, ate some food, and went out looking for a way to get to the top of the mountain.  The road to the top is totally impassable by bike, and really far by foot, and really uncomfortable by vehicle.  A truck ride or 4 wheeler ride to the top is somewhere in the range of 1500 pesos.  Hell no I wasn`t going to pay that!!!  I ran into a cop while I was looking for an internet cafe and talked with him a while, he was on a 4 wheeler.  And what do you know but the next day I got a ride to the top with that same cop for free.  Oh what luck!   The next day I headed out again and stayed with the family in chamal again.  I wasn`t going to, but they spotted me on the road and we got to talking and they invited me to eat and then it was late and I stayed.  This morning I hit the road to Tula, the beginning of the desert.  I put in somewhere around 60 kilometers of straight mountain climbing and I`m pretty beat.  For the first time in over a week I`m staying in a hotel, but oh gosh is it awesome to take a shower!!!  So, here are the photos of the last while.  Tomorrow I`m headed to real de will probably take me a few days to get there, but I will get there.

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