Tuesday, February 16, 2010

La ruta del agua

 I´ve been riding north for a while now, with the sun always on my back. I´ve got an even tan going on from right to left, none of that one sided tan for me. There are mountains that shoot up to the sky and rivers that wind through valleys. Looking at a map of where I am and then riding through it is fascinating. I know in my mind where all of the mountains are and I can picture myself pedaling along the valley headed towards the next pass. The landscape of the world is much like if someone put a piece of plastic wrap on a wet balloon and then scrunched it a little bit. Everything would rise in crinkly peaks leaving behind smooth valleys. Who is squished the landscape in the first place? There is always something to think about while I´m riding along, and sometimes I find myself in a completely meditative trance and I pedal along. Sometimes my legs scream at me, especially in the morning, but there´s a power that the mind has over the body that is most incredible. This power is on that we are all familiar with, it´s the easiest one to notice. You have to pee and there´s no bathroom, you hold it. You just want to get to your bed and sleep but you live on the fourth floor, you keep climbing the stairs. The power that the body has over the mind is a more subtle thing, and something that is really fun to learn. You go and you go and you go and all the sudden your body is the one that´s doing the thinking and your mind shuts up. Normally your brain chatters along right? But when you do a repetative action for long enough it gets quiet and you can listen more closely to the things around you. I could just go on pedaling for a long time. This last week I´ve been following a bunch of rivers, and camping out at the cascades along the way. It´s gorgeous and full of life and neat things to look at. The food is amazing and I find myself really glad that I´m always hungry because I just want to taste it all. The only part of my body that is consitantly sore are my hands. I think they have some deep tissue bruises that just won´t go away. But really it´s a small inconvenience. I have a thousand photos of the water around here, but I´ll only share the ones that are the best. I really love taking photos and I´m looking forward to learning more about it, but really I don´t like taking landscape photos. They don´t inspire me really and it´s too bad because that´s really all I have to share these days. I could shoot other photos, the kind that I like taking, but they require a more close inspection of where I´m at and since I´m going going going it´s hard to get that perspective. Maybe I´ll stop for a minute and hang out in another town. Tomorrow I head to the state of Tamaulipas (which boarders the US by the way) Maybe I´ll just bike home. No, I think not. I would like to see Real de Catorce in the desert and a few other places here before I leave. Enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

deeplyaffected said...

Wow! What beautiful scenery!